Thursday, July 24, 2008


Well today is the day. I brought my wife the letter over a month ago with God's instructions to me. He blessed that day and ever since then its been a struggle to believe and trust what the Lord is saying. When I go to that park tonight hoping she is there, I have to remember its not about trusting her to be there, but to trust whatever it is God is doing. I'm doing my best to believe she'll be there, but I am trusting God regardless. His plans never fail and the letter was his plan...I just obeyed. For those of you maybe reading this blog for the first time, a little over a month ago the Lord had me bring my wife a letter asking my wife to meet me at the park tonight to talk. If she doesn't show, I'm to sign the papers she sent me. That was the most baffling part of the letter to me. God knows how much I hate divorce, but He told me to let my wife know I'd send the papers the next morning if she doesn't show. God is so mysterious sometimes...He had Hosea marry Gomer, Jeremiah walk around with a yoke around his neck, and He has me doing the one thing I've always said I'd never do...sign papers. However, I have to trust Him...I will trust whatever end. Lord, I trust you...even though I'm a little nervous and scared...I trust you.


Unknown said...

Last year, I felt that God told me to give Him my son, leave him in Missouri with his father and go to where I could heal and be restored...for the future. It was the most difficult decision I have ever made, but everything has indicated that I made the right choice (as painful as it has been).

God says to give, and you shall receive. If you have to sign those papers, you will be giving your wife to God...and the One Who loves and thrives in the impossible will orchestrate something that will work out so extraordinary for your good!

You are his precious son, Derek! He loves you and wants to bless you more than you can imagine!

Keep your eyes on Him! ...and fill yourself with His promises! He will never forsake you...and His mercy and lovingkindness endures forever and ever and ever!

Unknown said...

Your Blog inspired my writing today, Derek! I think you'll enjoy my post: