Monday, July 28, 2008

New Start

Well, for the entire like two of you that might just read this blog, I changed it. I'm not done yet...but the actual emphasis is changing. I'm still seeking to be unshakable, but there is something else that is gnawing at me. We live in an age where the Christian church is picked apart...we're seen as zealots, hypocrites, and small-minded. The truth is we are at war for God. I want to start examining what it means to be a warrior for God. Do we have a code?

This change is also meant to signify I'm moving away from talking about my wife and my past. I've let her go as earlier mentioned. We'll see what God does with her and I'm hopeful for her, but there are other fish to fry now. Here's my question of the day: What does it mean to be a member of God's Army?

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