Saturday, July 12, 2008


As a side note to my last post, I want to say that some of the hobbies I had were used by Satan to become strongholds in my life. Gaming became a lifestyle that lead me to take God and my wife for granted. There were still traces of my old addictions like porn still in my life as well. As much as I loved my wife (and boy do I still love her) those things held me back from showing her how important she was to me. They were strongholds in my life. I'm happy to report that since I threw the games away I haven't gone back. Even when my buddy tried to get me to play...I just couldn't do it. It wasn't my desire any more. The same goes for porn... I have not actively searched for porn since before my wife and I split. I run from it. These strongholds were broken by the true and living God. There is no other explanation.

Now the thing is there are strongholds virtually everywhere we go. We have personal strongholds, strongholds over families, strongholds over churches, strongholds over cities, and even strongholds over countries. These strongholds can be broken...we need to continually pray and not give up. I'm living proof that God does miracles. Keep praying, keep believing...never give up. Strongholds can and will be broken.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Isn't knowing...TRULY KNOWING God OUTSTANDLY AWESOME? The freedom is so sweet!