Friday, August 22, 2008

A weeks worth....

I promised pictures from the ballgame last weekend and I'll post them eventually... I like have some other things to say. The last month or so has been rough. Following the disappointment of the 24th, I lost a friend and wondered what to do next. I decided to seek God with everything I had. He hasn't disappointed me. He's brought things up in me that I thought were long gone from my life and now they can finally be dealt with. He's done something else in me...I smile, I crack jokes, I laugh.....I love. In all of my years with my wife, I had a sense of humor only she saw. I was usually very intense with people... God's mellowed that out of me. He's also been dealing with any residual anger I had buried for her. He's been a long road...but he is making me what he wants me to be.

I love Him so much. I'm so thankful for a mighty God who loves us.

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