Saturday, August 16, 2008

Living Life

Well, in my continued attempt to enjoy the things God has allowed to happen on this Earth, I'm heading to Cleveland today after work to catch my first Angels game of the year when they play the Indians. This is my first game of the year, which is rare because I usually catch about 4-6 Angels games a season, but with my current situation as it is...its just my first this year. We're stopping at my parents house afterwards to sleep and then driving back tomorrow morning after church. This is the first time I'm bringing friends I've made in Columbus home to meet my crazy family. May the Lord have mercy upon them for that one.

Just picking up and doing things again is a bit foreign to me. It feels like I've spent so much time dealing in my own way with my wife being gone that I've missed out on many of the things I've come to enjoy and appreciate in this life. I'm going to enjoy this weekend with my friends and be thankful to God for bringing so many people into my life in a time when I needed them. I'll get some pics from the game. Go Angels!!!

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