Wednesday, August 6, 2008


What do you think happens when two best friends talk to each other less and less? I'd venture to say as the friends talk less, they grow apart. Its the same way in any relationship ranging from your relationship with God to your relationship with your spouse. In terms of marriage relationships, the whole men are from Mars and women are from Venus thing is true! Men think differently then women and vice-versa. The only way to bridge that gap is to communicate. God intended for us to communicate openly and honestly with our spouses. Its no wonder that when communication slips, a marriage slips. I know of one marriage where the wife was thinking of divorcing her husband for a year before finally telling him. He hadn't even seen it coming! She left him three weeks after finally letting him know. This is how important communication is. If we can all learn to communicate the way God intended us to, we can avoid ever being in those situations.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

My friend once told me of a pastor that put the difference between men and women like this: "Guys, you know that feeling you get when you played ball in school and there were 5 seconds left and you made that game winning shot? All the guys were screaming and jumping on you and slapping your butt? It felt great, right? Well, girls feel like that at least ten times a day...they see a cute dog and they go berserk. Men were not built with the same capacity for showing emotions."