Saturday, August 2, 2008


Sometimes it seems as though we face trials alone. When we feel alone, we tend to get discouraged by pretty much anything...from a piece of mail, inaction in life, or a thought about mistakes of the past. Thats been me for the past day or so. I got home from work with a piece of mail showing that my car insurance bill has gone up a whopping 300 dollars for six months because my wife finally pulled herself off the plan. I then spend the night in a lonely house where I go to bed early wondering where this life is going and thinking about where my mistakes have taken me. But yet, when I look back at the post I just wrote I remember that I'm NEVER alone. He's with me, watching me, caring for me, forgiving me where others fail to, and simply loving me. I don't know what my future holds. Its scary to face it now, but I'm not alone and I'm thankful for that. I know he's using this time to build me...I just need to stand with him. We are never alone.


Erin and Tim Zickrick said...

I'm praying for you. :)

You are 100% correct. We are NEVER alone and knowing that has got me through a lot lately too. I live with two other girls and neither of them are really believers. I practically live at church and want to give all my time to God. Going through a rough breakup recently and not knowing where to turn to besides family has been hard. Because they don't know the situation prior to my last relationship and they don't understand the faith that I have, it was really hard talking to them. But I remembered that I could talk to God and he knows more than anyone. :) Don't give up. He loves you, forgives you, and will "never leave or forsake you." :)

Derek said...

Thank you Erin for sharing some of your story. I appreciate your comments greatly.