Monday, August 4, 2008

Under 200

When I left the service, I went through a time called,"separation anxiety." Basically without the Lord and on my own from the service, I didn't have a purpose. It didn't help that I struggled to find a job. I ended up deciding to go back to school instead and I also stayed home alot gaming and finding other ways to waste time. My wife didn't know how to deal with me and I didn't know how to deal with it either. I developed a stomach disorder called GERD, which is basically chronic heart burn and my weight had ballooned to almost 240 pounds when things got bad between us. Well the stress of the situation brought a weight loss of 35 pounds in a months, and ever since then I've stayed around 205-210 pounds despite not being able to eat the best diet. However, when going to see a doctor a couple weeks ago my blood pressure had dropped from like 135/90ish to 117/69. This morning when I stepped on the scale, my weight read 199 pounds! The Lord has granted me amazing health considering what I've gone through over the past 8 months. Its a blessing to actually say that. In spite of all the hurt and pain, He still takes care of me. He still takes care of anyone who lets Him.

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