Sunday, April 20, 2008


This may sound foolish (and it is) or even naive (which it is), but there was a time when I was not walking the Lord where I'd think, "Ok, if something is about to happen to me, I'll get right with the Lord." Something is definitely wrong with that picture. It's as if I magically thought that in a split second I could reconcile with God and eternity would be popcorn and puppies. The truth is that it's really about your heart anyways, and if I was even able to get something out to Jesus before I passed from this world it would have depended on my heart. Would it have been sincere or a way of avoiding hell? Regardless in many cases people just don't get that opportunity.

I got word today that my wife's aunt was killed in a car wreck sometime between this past Friday and Saturday night. Apparently her car swerved to miss a motorcyclist and wrecked. I'm not certain if it was instant. I don't have all the details, but what I do know it was quick. Now I have no idea how my wife is dealing with this news, but what I can tell you is that it makes me feel so very mortal to know I can be gone in the blink of an eye. I don't know where her aunt is right now and I think thats a sad thing to say. I hope she was right with the Lord before she passed. I guess the question I have for you is if the same thing happened to you and lets just say you didn't have that final opportunity to get straight with the Lord, where would you go if you died?

I'm so glad I answered the Lord's call. I'll never have to wonder about that question again and I urge you to make it so that you never have to answer that question. We get one shot in this world. There is no way around it. God's Word makes it clear and there is no way we can twist it: We get one shot. Make it count.

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord"

Romans 6:23

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