Sunday, April 27, 2008


Its said that God doesn't allow things in your life that you can't least with him anyways. I guess in the coming days I'll learn the truth. Today I discovered that I've been betrayed by someone dear to me. There is so much anger and pain there at the moment, but yet I must now make a choice: Trust God or not. Throughout this ordeal, I believe I've been faithful to my Lord, and he has blessed me. But everyday it seems to get much pain must I endure? How much do I have to deal with? Do I stand the gap and continue to pray for this person? Or do I give up and walk away? I've let go and let God...and yet it seems to get worse. I dare to ask how much worse it can get. I will say this...please just pray for this person. I will never accept judgment from anyone for we've all fallen short. Please...just pray.

Meanwhile, I learn that a friend is struggling...and needs me. Oh Lord, how do I help someone when I need help too? How do I stand tall and keep my head high? I feel alone and abandoned, betrayed and destroyed. Oh me. I can't do this alone. All of this being God has done amazing things in my life in the past 7 months. I am content even with this loss...I do believe there is hope. Father, I choose to trust you.

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