Thursday, May 1, 2008


Well the last week has been interesting. It's also been a struggle. However something I saw this morning got me thinking. My friend Gary and I were supposed to meet at Cup O Joe this morning to sit down and talk. We haven't had that opportunity to sit and talk for awhile and I was looking forward to it. However, as I was rolling over to go to sleep last night I did not realize that today was today and I forgot to change the alarm clock. I got a text from him and I immediately remembered. I felt horrible, and I asked for forgiveness. Right away he came back with forgiveness. Now Gary is married with children. He has his responsibilities at church and yet was taking time to adjust his schedule to meet with me. I can understand him being completely perturbed at me, and yet he forgave me in seconds. My respect for this man grew even more by his response. I'm thankful for my friend. I'm thankful for the forgiveness he gave me. When I think of all the unforgiveness I've seen in recent months its a blessing to see such a wonderful gesture.

This also reminded me of something else: I'm so worn out that I forgot what day it was. I used to do that alot when I was in the service, but I had my wife to keep me on my toes. Now I'm alone. I have to make myself slow down and remember to rest in the Lord. We all have to slow down.

I saw an article today about divorce that Gary wrote on his blog. It breaks my heart to see it. I hate divorce. I hate it with a passion as I'm heading through it. My thoughts are with these people.


Unknown said...

I have learned that forgiveness HAS to happen, we just choose WHEN it happens. For me - the sooner the better.

Unknown said...

Gary knows that we all make mistakes, and that forgiveness is FREEDOM! JOY (the ultimate "ride" in life) only comes in loving one another, and there is no love in unforgiveness!

Divorce IS very painful. I am in one myself, and even though my husband never loved me, God's redeeming power in healing my broken heart is operative only because I am forgiving my husband. Forgiveness is ongoing for me, because we share a son and the offences continue. Only a mother could fully understand what it is to live with the reality that the one who almost killed her now has possession of her precious four-year-old son. My broken heart remains moment by moment, Derek—BUT, God's love is BIGGER! My son's life depends on my walking in obedience to God!