Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This past Sunday I was baptized in water at my church. I actually debated it for weeks and actually scratched my name off the list at one point before turning around and adding it again. I was very young when I was first baptized and I didn't know if I could get baptized again. Tradition would generally say once. However, I walked without the Lord for years. Also when I was first baptized I did not understand what the true commitment to him was that I was making. Now I understand what it is to pick up my cross. Its meant being accused, attacked, and in some cases, abandoned. I didn't understand it when I was young. That is why I wanted to do it a second time. When Pastor Konan mentioned that we could, I jumped at it. I wanted to reaffirm my faith in front of some of the very people who had seen me at my worst in the past 7 months. Pastor Konan himself noted during the baptism that he remembered meeting me in a coffee house last August and seeing the hard feelings I had towards the church and that it was great to see what the Lord has done in me since that day. I was actually very shocked he took the time to mention it, but at the same time I was happy to hear it. I realize that my commitment to the Lord has bared some fruit. I'm walking a walk that others see and that is a witness in itself.
I've made my commitment to the Lord. The line is drawn in the sand for me.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, what an extraordinary life you have ahead of you, Derek! BRAVO!