Monday, February 25, 2008

Father and Son Salvation

Yesterday, my buddy David's son, Alex, gave his life to the Lord. David and I were actually on our way home from a bible study when David noticed a text from Alex. He clicked on the text and Alex started right away stating that he'd done it. David and I had both noticed that Alex was close to making that critical decision and that was one of the reasons we had started a rotating fast during the week. David had actually just talked to Alex the previous Wednesday about it, and basically planted the seed. David prayed and fasted, and I prayed and fasted, and here on Sunday afternoon Alex went up on an altar that afternoon and gave his life to Jesus. David immediately starting calling around and texting folks to let them know that Alex had committed his life to the Lord. What a joy!!!

David is going through his own struggle, but the cool thing is that Romans 8:28 is exemplified in this example. I asked David if he hadn't gone through what he's gone through and become what he is now as a result, would Alex had gotten saved last night? He replied no. You see one of the first things God dealt with in David when David returned to the Lord was David seeing God has his his Daddy. As David gained that relationship with God, God enabled David to build that type of a relationship with his children. David and Alex are closer then they have ever been. Alex wants to be with his Daddy every chance he can get, and now he has both the Spiritual Daddy and his earthly Daddy. Whenever we wonder about God's faithfulness in a rough path remember that God causes all things to come together for GOOD for those who love him. Congratulations Alex on your salvation. Your world has been opened to all that God has for you.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." - Romans 8:28 (NIV)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS, David, Alex and Derek! You're all champions and have stepped into a whole new, exciting adventure together! BRAVO! I cannot wait to receive this same news of my own son!