Sunday, December 7, 2008


I hurt someone special yesterday. It wasn't intentional...I didn't seek to hurt this person. I stayed up half the night wondering how it could have been avoided, and how I should have done things differently. This person is one of the most wonderful people in the world and deserves better then she got from me. She's a star that shines bright in the night sky that often seems clouded and I hurt that star. I also know that for the time being I had to do take the action that I took or it would have risked hurting her more down the road.

Lord, I know the prayer of Jabez was a bit of a fad a couple years ago, but I mean it here: Please build me Father so that won't cause anyone pain. I've been through of alot it and I know how it feels. I don't want to be the catalyst to hurt others.

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