Wednesday, December 17, 2008


For about a year now I've really had to live a life depending on God for my needs and he has not disappointed me. He brought friends into my life when I needed friends. He brought a church into my life when I needed a church. He brought people into my life who mentored me and encouraged me...and took the time to get to know me. He also removed from my life the people who were tearing me down and manipulating me into believing things about myself that were not true. Sometimes we really don't see God at work until we actually look for it.

In the midst of this, I've sat back and remembered that God has always allowed a simple luxury that we tend to ignore: choice or free will. Just as some people choose to walk down paths that lead to darkness, we have the choice to walk a path of light. We choose to obey God...we choose to trust God...we choose to believe in a being beyond all comprehension. Everything is a choice in life...we choose to love our spouses....we choose to love our families...we choose to love those who absolutely drive us crazy. Some of you might be thinking that you don't agree with this, but then let me ask you this question: Have you ever woken up and looked at your spouse and gone...oh man...what did I do? The truth is sometimes you aren't going to feel love for that spouse, or for that annoying family member that just always says the wrong thing. It's always a choice.

I just want to encourage anyone reading this to make that right choice in life. Make those choices in your marriages, in your relationships, in your daily activities. Choose to love and choose to give.

I have another choice coming soon and thats whether or not to leave Columbus and go elsewhere. I've chosen to trust God in guiding me to the right place and I'd really appreciate prayer so that all of the pieces that God has for me will just start to fall into place.

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