Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Judgment, Hypocrisy, and Friendship

A little over a month ago I had a friend that would on occasion comment on this blog about God and scripture, and actually was a very encouraging person to me. Well when everything went raw on July 24th, this person did something thing that caught me extremely off-guard. This person judged me...and then turned their back on me. This person just stopped associating with me cold turkey. What did I do that was so bad? I reacted just like any other human being does to heart break. I also spoke biblical truth about suffering...either self-caused or not. In short, this person disagreed with me and turned their back on me as a result.

I write about this now because I happened to stop by this person's blog and this person is thanking all of their friends for being there at a rough point in their life. This person has a huge paragraph in their blog about friendship and what it means...yet this person judged me during a snapshot period in my life and threw away a friend that prayed and encouraged just the same. Doesn't it seem just a bit hypocritical to you? How can you exhort your friends and be so thankful for them being there for you when you turn your back on a friend when you judgment no less?

In all of are we supposed to act towards people? Are we supposed to judge? Clearly we are warned throughout God's Word with a resounding no. Are we supposed to love...unconditionally? Absolutely. As you read today, think about your friends...your enemies...those who are just your acquaintances and love them...don't judge. Take the time to put yourselves in their shoes and think of what they are going through. We aren't here to judge...thats God's job. We aren't here to spit in the face of God by being hypocrites. We are here to love....we serve God by loving him...and the people he created. In essence...Christ calls us his friends, and likewise we should treat all people with love and friends.

As for this person who was my friend...I don't know why things went the way they did. However, I do believe that God is doing wonderful things in this person's life, and I will continue to pray for this person. This person's story is going to rock the world of many and I thank God for that.

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