Monday, June 23, 2008

So What Happened?

A little over a week ago I asked anyone who reads this blog to pray for the life-changing choice I was making. I said I'd explain later so here goes: A few months ago while praying for my wife, I felt the Lord place our anniversary date, July 24th on my heart. I did not know why he put it there, but I claimed that date. I initially thought that it meant that my wife would be home by that date, but now I don't really know. You never really know what God has planned till he does it. Over the course of the next few months I kept praying, and I eventually got some news pertaining to my wife that broke me. I gave up on her and tried to move on with life.

However, the Lord was having none of that and dealt with me about my wife. He eventually laid out a plan for me that at first I could not believe. He put words in my heart for one last letter to send to her. It made it known how much I loved her, and just how proud I was of your time together. I also told her that I know we both need a resolution to this. So I told her that on July 24th, at 8:30 p.m. I'd be at the park and I'd wait there till 9:00 p.m. If she shows there are no expectations...just to talk and move from there. If she doesn't show, I gave her my word that papers would be in the mail the next morning. I'm not expecting a movie ending out of this or anything, but what I am hoping for is an opportunity to start again. I also know that the Lord is not for divorce, so I have to trust him when it comes to those papers. Either way, my future is forever altered by the choice I made. One thing I do know is that I obeyed the Lord.

A week after I was told to send her that letter, I went to where she works at to give it to her. I had let my little sister borrow my parking pass for the place and I asked her for it back so I could use it to park. However, when I went to find the pass, it was nowhere to be seen. So I decided to park in hospital parking. When I parked I walked just inside the doors and was thinking to myself, "Ok, she's either in her office or at breakfast, where do I go, and I wonder if there is any way I can give this to her alone." Just as I was thinking that, I turned the corner and there she was!!! I backed away for a moment and let her walk down towards the cafeteria, and just chuckled at how amazing God was. If I had parked where I was going to park then I never would have caught my wife where she was. I went to the cafeteria and actually went in to speak to her twice. Both times I got cold feet and scrambled out of there. At that point I prayed and submitted the situation to God. I told him I know he sent me and to give me the strength to go for it. At that moment my nerves went away and I went in, and yes I actually caught my wife alone! I got what I asked for!! We small-talked for a second and I left. I left thanking God for the opportunity. He ordered everything just right.

There were some things I noticed about my wife this time around. The anger that I used to feel coming off of her was gone. She actually looked, for an ever brief moment, like she was happy to see me. I wondered what was happening with her. I asked God a little bit later, and he gave me an amazing answer. In all of this I now know the situation is in God's hands. I'm trusting him to find the best resolution for us in this situation. Whatever happens July 24th, I will trust the Lord.

1 comment:

Unknown said...