Friday, June 27, 2008

Happy Birthday

Today was my wife's birthday. I called her early and left her a message. I prayed for her and thought of her often today. I never thought it would be this hard, even months later. I find myself wondering how I could love someone after so long and after so many things have happened. I asked God about that today. I asked him if he knew all these things were going to happen, why would he have us marry? It wasn't but a second later when it hit me like a brick. This has taught me to love...and love unconditionally.

When this whole thing first happened, I remember talking to Gary about all how much it had hurt me. I remember pondering what she'd done to me and I acknowledged and asked for forgiveness from her for my mistakes, but I still managed to make it about me. Thats not how it works! What about her feelings? What about the effects of the mistakes I've made? There are so many things I wouldn't consider at first, but now with a clear view I can see just how hard it would have been for her to see how much I truly loved her.

However, thats changed... Every thought or concern I have for her is for her well-being and her feelings. I have had to see what life would be like without her to truly understand what it is to love. It's not about me...its about her.

My Dear, if you are taking the time to read...know that I do love you. Happy Birthday.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"What made His (Jesus) life so meaningful? I believe there are two unquestionable characteristics that guided and governed His life from the beginning to end—passion for the Father and compassion for others." - Vincent Newfield

You're becoming more like Jesus, Derek!