So here we are with the latest batch of updates, thoughts, and ideas. I hope you find it worth reading.
A. The wedding is starting to come together. It’s so soon, but yet still seems far away. As mentioned before it’s going to be October 17, 2009. The wedding starts at 11 a.m. at Cedar Falls in Hocking Hills State Park. We have nothing really big planned for it, so do not expect any kind of pomp and circumstance. The ceremony should last thirty minutes max and probably more like twenty. The dress code for all who are invited is pretty simple: just be presentable. Shorts are allowed. I just don’t want anyone there wearing nothing but a bright orange thong and sunglasses. I am not even wearing a tux, but just a shirt and tie. Mullets are allowed…
B. The reception will also be simple. Burgers, hot dogs, praise and worship, and maybe some other outdoors stuff. This is going to be located at the Old Man’s Cave picnic pavilion. We’re still organizing what we’ll need for this, but again we’re keeping it simple. We just want this to be a party. If it rains that day, we’ll also get married at the pavilion. I think it’s safe to say we’re both going to be praying for sunshine and mild weather.
C. Gary Fowler is going to marry us. Are you scared yet? We are.
D. We are not sure where we are going to live. I have steadily looked for jobs since we got engaged, mostly Chase jobs in Cincinnati. However, I can’t even get an interview for any of them. I can say I’m building a fancy collection of rejection letters. Not fun. I like my company so I’m not looking for anything in Columbus. However, Jenn may have some opportunities in New Jersey, and since I happen to love New Jersey (weird isn’t it?), we’re taking a long look at it. I have begun looking for jobs there.
E. I have not been around C3 as much recently with me traveling as much as I have been. I feel very disconnected from my church. I wonder if I’ve been missed by anyone.
F. Jenn and I are working on a logo for our wedding…well okay its more like her working on it. My idea seems to be okay, but it wasn’t what she was thinking of. I’m deferring to her on that one. However, if anyone has any good ideas do let me know.
G. Diana is back in the hospital. I find myself wondering if my sister will ever be healthy. She’s definitely a trooper
H. The Bathroom Spider met his/her unfortunate demise. I got out of the shower one morning to find him running across the floor towards me. Of course, that ended our tedious peace and now I have a spider-free bathroom. However, it’s a little odd not seeing him in his little corner any more.
I. Jenn competed this past weekend in the Whirlpool Steelhead 70.3 Half-Ironman in Benton Harbor, Michigan. I felt my blood curdling as I crossed the border into Michigan to see her race. Eww…Wolverine land. I can tell you it wasn’t fun waking up early and walking over mile down the beach for the swim start. Normally it would have been quite romantic, but not this time. Jenn was focused and I was cranky for getting up so early. I stuck around throughout the day though. I was there to cheer her on at the swim finish, at the half-way point of her run, and I was there at the finish line completely drenched in rain waiting for her when she finished. She walked right up to me as soon as she crossed the finish line, kissed me, and gave me her medal to hold onto. I was so proud of her and it was special later to have her tell me how important it was for me to be there.
J. Watching Jenn train like she has keeps pushing the competitive itch in me to the surface. I told her I’d train with her for next year. I’m not sure if I’m that kind of guy, but I love to compete. I need to find something. I figure if I try just once, I can always say with a smile that I did with a 70.3 and I love the idea of doing this with my teammate.
K. A guy from work who is also a writer recently read some of my blog and sent me some links to try and do some freelance Christian writing. I’m looking into it, and praying about it. I’ve had some people comment my writing and I like to write, but it’s not like I am a trained writer or anything.
L. I’ve really been making a better effort to spend time with the Lord of late. That’s lead to some interesting moments with Him in the past two weeks. Allowing the Lord to work in me is not fun at times. Not fun at all…
M. I think the BJ Penn/Kenny Florian fight this weekend is going to be a great one, and may well result in a new champion. That’s how good I think Kenny Florian has become.
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