God speaks to us in many ways. He knows our personalities and therefore is able to pick out those things in which He is best able to communicate to us with. I'm a movie fan, and tonight as I sat in front of my television watching Rocky Balboa, He communicated with me. There was a part in the movie where a guy is reading Zechariah 4:6: "Not by might nor by power, but by My spirit says the Lord of hosts." (NAS, I think the movie version is different). Today, I riddled my mind trying to think of a way to communicate with my loved one, to get her to see this is a mistake. When something popped in my mind, I didn't go running to her and say it. Instead, I asked God to confirm for me that this was the right step. What I got was this message from him tonight, reminding me of His supremacy. We always try to find a way to do things ourselves, and odds are if I had run off impulsively and did what I felt I should do...I would have got hit instead.
There was another point in the movie that I believe God spoke into my heart with. Through a speech Rocky made to his son stating that indeed life is hard, and sometimes life is going to hit you hard and often, but its what you do when you get hit that matters. Do you lay down or do you go through it when you get hit? I realized that over the course of 9 months now I've been getting hit (some of which is a result my mistakes). I've been disrespected, ignored, and thrown away. However, I'm choosing to stand up, take the blows, and trust God to use every punch and kick that I've taken and make me into what He wants me to be.
The question I have for you is what choice are you making? When you get hit, are you moving forward through it with God holding your hand, or are you lying there taking a beating?